Work Parties
Estate maintenance plays an essential part in ensuring the clubs waters are kept to a very high standard. The Estates Team carry out a planned programme of work on a daily basis and are all volunteers. The Estates Maintenance fee of £55, referred to as an Overstamp payment, entitles the member to fish designated, premier club waters between 15th March to 15th June inclusive.
Those choosing not to pay the overstamp fee may still earn an overstamp by completing two, six hour work parties, this then allows the member to fish the premier club waters between 15th March to 15th June inclusive. Members who do not pay for an overstamp or do not complete the two, six hour work parties may not fish the premier club waters during this period but can still fish all other club waters designated as non-overstamp, a full list of waters can be found here.

Attend a Work Party
If you’d like to attend a work party please book at least a week in advance.You can book by completing a registration form here. A safety talk will be given at Whitley compound at 08:45hrs and work will start at 09:00hrs, there will be a lunch break at 12:30hrs to 13:00hrs, the work party will end at 15:15hrs.
Please ensure that you turn up on time. Please ensure that you bring your own protective equipment (PPE) with you, e.g. sturdy pair of boots, warm clothing (including waterproofs) and industrial/gardening gloves. You will also require a packed lunch. There will be some additional work parties that take place throughout the year, details will be posted on the members forum and Blog in advance of them taking place.
** Please note an overstamp is only required for a Senior membership class who wishes to fish the waters requiring an overstamp, it is NOT required after June 15th **
Work Party Dates 2016
Meet at Whitley Pool Compound 08:45hrs
Work Party - Saturday 13th February
Work Party - Sunday 21st February
Work Party - Saturday 12th March
Work Party - Sunday 20th March
Work Party - Saturday 9th April
Work Party - Sunday 17th April
Members only need to book two of the dates above

Heading west along the M56, leave at junction 10. Follow the A49 towards Whitchurch. Continue along the A49 for approximately 1 mile and take a left turn onto Radell Lane, which is a 100m or so past Grimsditch Lane on the right. Continue along Radell Lane until you come to a row of house and a sharp left bend. At the start of the bend turn right and then after just 50m turn right again at the crossroads onto Village Lane. Drive past the school on the left and a small cemetery on the right. Just after the cemetery, on the right you will find the car park for Whitley Pool.
Head of Estates Maintenance Guy Humphries
Call: 07902 895 647