Contact Us
Stoke-onTrent Angling Society
To Contact Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society with any questions regarding the Society, or for any other reason please email all correspondence to the club secretary on the email address listed below:
Chairman: Mr. Kevin Grocott, email address: - 07801351886
Club Secretary: Mr. Anthony Burt, 10 Liskeard Close, Eaton Park, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 9PH. 07960957039 email address :
Treasurer: Mr. Andrew Riley
Astbury Manager: Mr. Roger Watts
Health and Safety Manager: Mr. Robert Bryne
Welfare Officer: Mr Robert Bryne - 07927 147989 -
Angling Trust Safeguarding Lead: Dom Lattimer - 07301 088542 -
Work Party Organiser: Mr. Dave Rowe
Match Secretary: Mr. Jordan Riley
Website Organiser: Mr. Dru Lunney
Can all correspondence please be sent to the Club Secretary - Mr Anthony Burt.